Auto BiPAP Sleep Apnea Machines

BiPAP therapy is the leading treatment for sleep apnea. BiPAP stands for Bilevel positive airway pressure. BiPAP therapy keeps your airway open by gently providing air through a mask you wear while you sleep. This splints the airway open and eliminates the breathing pauses caused by sleep apnea. When you sleep with a BiPAP machine, you will no longer snore or make choking noises in your sleep. You will be able to sleep through the night without your body waking up from a lack of oxygen.

When you use BiPAP each night, you can prevent or may even reverse serious health problems linked to sleep apnea such as heart disease and stroke. Your memory and mood may also improve. The quality of your sleep will improve, which, for some people, means you will feel more rested and alert during the daytime. Your partner might even sleep better because you will stop snoring.

Model AUTO BiPAP €1050.00 including M.D. home setup and 2 year warranty.